[Mristudio-users] ROI uploading and viewing in DTI Studio

Elizabeth Finger Elizabeth.Finger at lhsc.on.ca
Wed Sep 10 14:12:53 EDT 2008


I have been following the proior posts on this topic but cannot seem to open up  in DTI studio the ROI's saved as a binary map which I created in ROI Editor.  I have attached the binary map file that I created in ROI Editor and then edited to include the Operation: 1 to each binary file to signify AND.  Then in DTI-Studio- Fibertracking, I load my FA map and eigenvector_0 and complete the fiber tracking.  When I then in the fiber tab under ROI Operation click on load, binary map, and select my file, nothing (no ROIs nor fibers) appear on the screen, and no ROI statistics are available.  I have tried this with several subjects and with several different ROIs.  Perhaps there is a step I have missed?

Thank you,
Elizabeth Finger 
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