[Mristudio-users] cut operation

Woo, John John.Woo at uphs.upenn.edu
Wed Aug 13 14:52:16 EDT 2008

Hi, I've been trying to understand the "cut" operation of defining the
voxels between two ROIs.


Each fiber intersects both ROIs.  I can see that
"nSelectFiberStartPoint" and "nSelectFiberEndPoint" determine the
indices of the cut points.  If the fiber intersects each ROI in exactly
one point, I can confirm that these are precisely the points.


But if say ROI 1 intersects the fiber in two points, it is not entirely
clear to me which point is chosen.  It seems that sometimes the first is
chosen, sometimes the second.


Interestingly, in an attempt to elucidate the process further, I tried
swapping the two ROIs of the cut operation (by altering the ".map"
file).  The resulting fiber depends on the order of the ROIs.  That is,
cut(ROI1,ROI2) does not always equal cut(ROI2,ROI1), although they are
almost identical.


Thanks to anyone who can help.




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