[Mristudio-users] Landmarker Image File Create Eroor

Christian Bieck c.bieck at T-Online.de
Mon Aug 4 14:37:00 EDT 2008


I'm trying to normalize the files (DWI, B0s, Color Map etc.) I made via DTI Studio by using the AIR "Linear" option in Landmarker. However, when I press the button, I get a message saying "Image File Create Error" even though the correct Atlas sample images were opened. I got this error message both with using my own compiled .exe files and the .exe files Dr Evangelou was so kind to send me, so I'm somewhat at a loss as to what went wrong.
I'd very much appreciate it if you could shed some light on what might be the possible sources of the Image File Create Error and how I could fix it.

Thank you in advance,
Christian Bieck
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