[Mristudio-users] Loading an Image and Changing Pixel Dimensions

susumu susumu at mri.jhu.edu
Thu May 15 18:01:38 EDT 2008

Hi Jason,


If you are reading Analyze data, I believe all the info about data
dimensions is read from the hdr file. The boxes for image dimensions and
pixel sizes are deactivated. It may show some numbers but they are not
meaningful and you can't change them. Only after you choose the "analyze"
format and data are read, correct dimension info is loaded from the hdr


Now, it is possible that the data input window still remembers old invalid
numbers, which interferes with the data loading. Please try following;


1) First choose the "raw" format and activate image dimensions and fov

2) Type in some meaningful numbers. This will erase prohibited numbers such
as minus values remain in the windows.

3) Then switch to the "analyze" format. All "voxel size" windows should be

4) Click OK.


I hope it will work.



From: mristudio-users-bounces at mristudio.org
[mailto:mristudio-users-bounces at mristudio.org] On Behalf Of Jason Stein
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 12:55 PM
To: Hangyi Jiang
Cc: mristudio-users at mristudio.org; Ilya Eckstein
Subject: Re: [Mristudio-users] Loading an Image and Changing Pixel


Hi Hangyi,

Thanks very much.  Unfortunately, when I downloaded this new file and
changed the extension, I still get the same problem.  I attached a
screenshot if that helps.  I think the problem may be that the program is
storing information from the previously opened files somewhere on my hard
drive and then using those values each time.  I think this because when I
downloaded your new program and went to the file menu, there were some
previously opened files there.  It did this even when I deleted the program
and re-downloaded it.  Do you think this could be fooling the program into
thinking that the voxel dimensions were the same as the previous image?
Where would this be stored so I could delete it and try again?

Thanks again very much for your help,

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 7:42 AM, Hangyi Jiang <hjiang at jhmi.edu> wrote:

hi, jason,

seems that your version has a bug. :))

you can got the latest version in our website. for your convenience, I
attached the program as a ".data" file. please rename it back to
"DtiStudio.exe" before you can play with it in you PC.

let me know if you have more questions.



>>> Jason Stein <steinja at ucla.edu> 05/14/08 7:37 PM >>>

I am new to DTIstudio so I apologize if this question is too basic.

I am trying to load an Analyze image into DTIstudio.  When I click on any
image to open it, the image parameters screen comes up in the DTI studio
window.  There, I make sure that Analyze radio button is selected.  The
pixel dimensions are set to Pixel size - Width: -0.9375 and Height: 0.9000.
When I click OK, I get the error that "Please enter a number between 0 and
4096".   I think this might be because the pixel dimension is set to be a
negative number?  However, I am unable to change the values in the boxes.

Also, if I try opening up an image with different voxel sizes, the same
pixel size and width are shown in the box.  These are incorrect, and I'm not
sure why they do not change when I open a new image.  Also, why can I not
change it manually?  Any image I load brings the same pixel width and

Thanks in advance for any help,


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