[Mristudio-users] [Fwd: short course]

support at mristudio.org support at mristudio.org
Wed Jan 23 11:06:10 EST 2008

Dear DtiStudio users,

AS you may already know, we established a new website, www.mristudio.org last
year. In this site, there are two ways to communicate with us and get support.

1) mristudio-users at mristudio.org: This is an email list and the message is
delivered to everybody in the list. The activity is also archived as threads,
which can be seen anytime. This is a great way to ask questions to the community
including us. You can also see the archives ("Community" -> "Mailing List") for
past Q & A activities. We are currently modifying the archive so that questions
can also be directly posted in the archive instead of sending emails to
everybody. Please use this method when you have questions, comments, and

2) Support at mristudio.org: This email will be read by us and responded
individually. Many of you tend to choose this method when there is a question.
This is a great way to get support from us, but one issue is the Q & A
activities cannot be seen by other users. For the common questions, we move them
to "FAQ" sections. If we feel that the questions could be of interest for many
users, we anonymize the questions and forward them to
"mristudio-users at mristudio.org" so that they can be read by many users and also
archived in the website.

So here is the first one I want to share with you.


Susumu Mori



Are there any training courses available for learning DTIStudio,
especially with the addition of the ROIEditor and Landmarker modules.
 Pretty difficult to learn from the limited online manuals for a
novice like me.

Thank you for your response,


Yes, we realized that RoiEditor and Landmarker, while they are very powerful,
are difficult to learn with so many functions. We are trying to make our manual
(www.mristudio.org -> "Documentation" -> "User Manual") more complete, but they
are still lagging behind. We are currently preparing for tutorial courses in
following times and locations.

1) Johns Hopkins Medical Campus in Feb. This is for a testing of the tutorial
course, open to only local users (I don't want users to spend $$$ to come, only
to find it doesn't work).
2) Kyoto University, Japan, 3/2.
3) ISMRM, Toronto, 5/3 or 5/4. Is there any user who is working in Toronto and
willing to provide a large conference room?

This is how it works;
1) Users are required to download DtiStudio, RoiEditor, and Landmarker to their
own laptops and bring them to the tutorial
2) Users are required to download sample data from our website (currently in
"Download" section of the website).
3) Users are required to follow web-based tutorials which will be posted soon.
These #1-#3 steps will make sure that you have working versions of our programs
and sample data.

In this way, all we have to do is to book a room and prepare a lot of electric
outlets. The tutorial will be free unless the room costs us a lot. The tutorial
will be very unformal without a strict schedule, but it will have 1-hour PPT
presentation about DTI and the software, followed by actual step-by-step
instructions. I'm thinking about 20 people / session.
At this point, we just want to have some idea about how many users are
interested in the tutorial. So any comments, suggestions, and information would
be welcome.


Susumu Mori

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